Neurological Programs and Libraries
mrimage.h File Reference
#include "npltypes.h"
#include "ndarray.h"
#include "nifti.h"
#include "zlib.h"
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <map>

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class  npl::MRImage
 MRImage can basically be used like an NDArray, with the addition of orientation related additions. More...
class  npl::MRImageStore< D, T >
 MRImageStore is a version of NDArray that has an orientation matrix. Right now it also has additional data that is unique to nifti. Eventually this class will be forked into a subclass, and this will only have the orientation. More...




enum  npl::SliceOrderT {
  npl::UNKNOWN_SLICE =0, npl::SEQ =1, npl::RSEQ =2, npl::ALT =3,
  npl::RALT =4, npl::ALT_SHFT =5, npl::RALT_SHFT =6
enum  npl::CoordinateT { npl::NOFORM =0, npl::QFORM =1, npl::SFORM =2 }
enum  npl::BoundaryConditionT { npl::ZEROFLUX =0, npl::CONSTZERO =1, npl::WRAP =2 }


ptr< MRImage > npl::createMRImage (size_t ndim, const size_t *size, PixelT type)
 Creates a new MRImage with dimensions set by ndim, and size set by size. Output pixel type is decided by type variable. More...
ptr< MRImage > npl::createMRImage (const std::vector< size_t > &dim, PixelT type)
 Creates a new MRImage with dimensions set by ndim, and size set by size. Output pixel type is decided by type variable. More...
ptr< MRImage > npl::createMRImage (size_t ndim, const size_t *size, PixelT type, void *ptr, std::function< void(void *)> deleter)
 Creates a new MRImage with dimensions set by ndim, and size set by size. Output pixel type is decided by type variable. More...
ptr< MRImage > npl::createMRImage (const std::vector< size_t > &dim, PixelT type, void *ptr, std::function< void(void *)> deleter)
 Creates a new MRImage with dimensions set by ndim, and size set by size. Output pixel type is decided by type variable. More...
std::ostream & npl::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MRImage &img)
 Writes out information about an MRImage. More...